
Compost Donations for Homer First School & Nursery

15 November, 2022

Shorts Agricultural were delighted to donate some compost to Homer First School & Nursery.

The school has created the Jubilee Garden to celebrate Platinum Jubilee this year and over the summer the garden flourished, their new wildflower area has also been growing in size. We have learnt the school is looking for compost donation so here we are! Our premium compost products are all peat-free and PAS 100 accredited – the highest possible quality standard for compost. They are suitable for any landscaping needs, and can be put in raised beds for growing flowers, fruits or vegetables. We are delighted and proud that our locally made compost can be used to support local school to learn more about gardening and composting.

For more information about our premium compost products, please visit: bit​.ly/​s​h​o​r​t​s​-​c​o​mpost